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5° Branding Blog
How to Effectively Market Your Adult Degree Programs
More than ever before, colleges and universities are launching degree completion programs for non-traditional adult audiences. Of course this only makes sense, as the majority of degree-seekers these days are actually adult learners. Since having a college degree still offers a considerable advantage in the workplace, more people who don't fit the mold of the traditional undergraduate student (aged 18–22) are considering going back to school as a powerful way to advance their careers. Today’s technology allows for easier access to educational opportunities, and non-traditional programs are thriving.
The Future of Recruiting: What’s Your Story?
Despite increased competition for students, soaring costs, and news of small colleges closing, we see a bright future for college recruiting. Your freshman classes may look different than ever before. So does the world they live in.
Communicating with Prospective Students via Social Media
Connecting with prospective college students today requires the strategic and successful use of social media. There are a couple of things you can’t lose sight of, though, when using these platforms to reach today’s students. To be effective, your plan has to fit the way they actually use social media. To sum it up, the experiences should be 1) interactive and 2) personalized.
Showcasing Your School Via Video
Prospective college students are eager to experience your campus as up-close as possible before they visit in person. With today’s technology and widespread use of video, you can deliver remote engagement like never before.
Does Your School's Web Content Connect with Prospective Students?
Yes, they’re reading your direct mail and your email messages. And if that gets their interest, what’s the next step for a prospective student? Far-and-away, your website.
Best Practices for Recruiting Gen Z Students
We know that Gen Z students are headed to college in dramatic numbers. And we know that traditional recruiting has to take on new dynamics. So what are the best ways to connect in their hyper-connected world? New in-depth reports from Ruffalo Noel Levitz offer a wealth of data. We’ve summarized some of the high points for you, along with our own insights.
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